jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011

1 ESO Arts

The students of the bilingual 1stESO have carried out an Art project which consisted in illustrating short poems taken from Tim Burton's "Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy & other stories"

viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2011




This is the film 4th grade students made last school year, to show you what “Global Classrooms” is, and to encourage you all (teachers and students) to help them to prepare the topics.

There are many mistakes, it is a little long, but we hope you like it.

martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011

Carlota in Canada!

Our cuarto student Carlota Celorrio is studying in a school in Canada. We can't wait to have her back and tell us all the amazing experiences she is having at Northern Secondary school. this is a page from their journal where we can see a picture of her and practise some French too!
And this is the article about her:

miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2011

Welcome back!

Summer is over and we're back to school. Why don't you share your summer '11 memories with us? Leave a comment below and tell us a story. It may be long, short, true, false... All your stories will work as long as they are class appropriate!

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2011

Summer is over

Summer is over. Back to school...
Now that the summer is over, why don't you share some of your summer stories? Leave a comment below.
All stories are welcome: long, short, true, false... as long as they are class appropriate and, of course, in English!

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

Poemas / Poems

Here are the haikus written by the primero students:
In the evening, in
a very cloudy evening
There were lots of birds.

In the mountain, the mountain
...Do I prefer the river?
I like both places!
By Pablo

In the sweet morning
on the far away mountain
I feel the nature.
By Diego B.

In the long black night
the moon looks in my bedroom
and she's smiling at me.
By Darío

The snow is pretty
it is white and beautiful
I love the good snow.
By Lydia

One day on the beach
I smile at a pretty girl
and she smiles at me.
By Raúl

The bird flies and flies
to the top of the tree, but
it can't come down now.
By Elia

The forest is nice
I see the forest always
I love animals.
By María

Poesía / Poetry

Hace unas semanas, los alumnos de primero bilingüe tuvieron una clase de poesía con nuestra lectora americana, Susannah. Tras aprender algunas características básicas de la poesía - el ritmo, la rima, la forma, como contarlas sílabas, etc, los alumnos escribieron (¡en inglés!) sus propios Haikus (un tipo de poesía japonés que consiste en tres líneas, la primera de cinco sílabas, la segunda de siete, y la última de cinco). Podeis ver los poemas (con traducciones básicas en español) haciendo clic en la pestaña de "Inglés / English."

A few weeks ago, the students from primero bilingüe had a poetry class with our American Language Assistant, Susannah. After learning about some of the basic principles of poetry - rhythm, rhyme, form, counting syllables, etc, the students wrote (in English!) their own Haikus (a form of Japanese poetry consisting of three lines, the first with five syllables, the second with seven, and the last with five). You can see the poems (with rough translations in Spanish) by clicking the "Inglés / English" tab.

domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

Go Lucía!

Una de nuestras estudiantes de tercero, Lucía Mantecón, está ahora mismo en Nueva York participando en la conferencia mundial de Global Classrooms representando a Australia como parte de los delegados del grupo Global Classrooms Cantabria. Esperamos que le esté yendo muy bien. Aquí tenéis un enlace a la página de educantabria, donde podréis leer un artículo y ver la foto que el grupo se hizo antes de salir de viaje. http://http//www.educantabria.es/noticias/noticias/noticias-de-portada/diaz-tezanos-se-reune-con-los-13-alumnos-que-viajan-manana-a-la-onu-para-participar-en-la-conferencia-mundial-de-global-classrooms

One of our students of tercero, Lucía Mantecón, is in New York right now. She is a representative of Australia in the Global Classrooms delegation at the World Global Classrooms conference. We hope she is doing great! You can click on the above link for an article and the picture they took right before leaving. Go Lucía!!

miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011

Global Classrooms cantabria 2011. COMING SOON

Después de un poquito de retraso, pronto podréis ver a los chicos del programa Global Classrooms en acción. De momento, aquí tenéis un vídeo y alguna foto.
After quite some time, you will soon be able to see our Global Classrooms people in action. Here you can see some videos and pictures. Enjoy!!


Desde el día 12 de marzo puedes pasarte por el aula de convivencia en el segundo recreo de cada jueves para venir a practicar y mejorar tu inglés. Veremos videos, escucharemos música, pero sobre todo haremos lo que más nos gusta hacer: ¡HABLAR! ¡Todos los miembros de la comunidad educativa están invitados! Anímate y participa. We are starting our English Breaks on the 12th of May. Come to the study hall on the second break every Thursday to practise and improve your English. We wilL watch videos, listen to music and we will also do what we like best: TALK TALK TALK! Every member of the school community is welcome!! Come to our English breaks!

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

A forest party

Carnival time is about to come and the students of 1º ESO have prepared something special in the bilingual art lessons. They have made up the masks of some animals and then performed a little play entitled “The mouse’s birthday”. The whole story has been created by the students with a little help of Susanah, our conversation assistant.

Se acerca el carnaval y los alumnos de 1º ESO han preparado algo especial en las clases de plástica bilingüe. Han construido las máscaras de algunos animales y luego han interpretado una pequeña obra titulada "El cumpleaños del ratón ". Los alumnos han creado la totalidad de la historia con la ayuda de Susannah, nuestra auxiliar de conversación.

lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011

Miniconferencia GC / GC Miniconference

Recientemente el IES Miguel Herrero ha sido sede de una miniconferencia de Global Classrooms para alumnado de segundo bilingüe de nuestro centro, del IES Valle del Saja de Cabezón de la Sal y del IES Montesclaros de Reinosa. En ella se debatió sobre el calentamiento global y se escribieron interesantes resoluciones que luego se votaron. Esta sesión ha servido como preparación para la futura conferencia oficial.
La mesa estaba formada por Danny DeRobertis, Alan Arias y Jessica Sellinger. Todos hicieron un trabajo excelente.
Our school has recently held a GC miniconference with segundo bilingüe students from our school, IES Valle del Saja from Cabezón de la Sal and IES Montesclaros from Reinosa. Students discussed the issue of global warming. They successfully wrote and voted for some resolutions as training for the upcoming offical conference.
The dais, formed by Danny DeRobertis, Alan Arias and Jessica Sellinger did a brilliant job.
Trabajando en las resoluciones. Students working on their resolutions.

Motion passes. Meeting adjourned!!!

lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011

Bienvenid@s! Welcome!

Hoy 14 de febrero de 2011 nace el blog bilingüe del IES Miguel Herrero. Today, 14th of February, 2011 is the first day in the life of Miguel Herrero School Bilingual Programme´s blog.